Learning is more fun and effective when participants are able to contribute and collaborate. With the technology of interactive whiteboards today, it is possible to foster a more exciting learning environment whether in the workplace or in an educational institution. The ordinary whiteboard screen is transformed into a shared work area where the participants can add their own inputs on-the-spot as necessary.
An interactive whiteboard setup usually consists of a computerized whiteboard screen that communicates with a short throw project that is connected to a computer. The main content comes from the computer and is projected onto the whiteboard screen. The interactive whiteboard can record or capture whatever is presented on it, including notes and other content added by the participants. User-generated content can be added through the use of a stylus or your finger. Projected content can be manipulated to zoom in or out and pan through gestures.
This type of whiteboard makes use of a touch screen digital display that operates on both windows and Mac operating systems. Wifi connectivity is also a convenient feature especially when it comes to sharing and sharing files to and from the interactive whiteboard. Apart from presentation slides, audio visual media can also be recorded by the interactive whiteboard and saved into the connected computer.
Educators and learners in both corporate and institutional settings can benefit using interactive whiteboards. Even when technology has moved forward to offer more advanced digital display and presentation options, interactive whiteboards still have much to offer to various users.
There are a lot of advantages to enjoy with